Dr. Ida Rolf Institute

Bulletin of Structural Integration Ida P. Rolf


Here I am, sitting on the pelvic floor. When I began looking for this structure my thoughts were on good solid bone; but much to my surprise the floor is comfortably colt, nut flat but relaxingly concave. I feel quite secure. In the middle of this bony basin – with muscles (36 or so), ligaments, and fascia interwoven – filling in all the basin’s windows and involved in every movement – I seem to have settled on two peculiar ones (levator any and coccygeus) with no outside attachments. I like that. My feeling of this quiet space begins to change in looking around.

I can’t really feel separate since a glance at the loose connective tissue uniting my floor with the piriformis tells me that I’m involved in totaling the thigh with the internal obturator which means I’ve gotten involved in balancing the psoas. From where I sit, that implies getting into everything from a position which appeared involved with nothing.

By now I have also noticed that my floor, which has a nice paired symmetry, is breathing up and down. Very un floor like to be that flexible – not to mention those obvious holes which I have yet to explore if I can get around the tubes that plug them. I can see why the floor can sink, comparatively lots of space below (deep perineal pouch). When air comes in above, I sink. In other words, the integration of the floor (the It-valor any and its diaphragmatic friends) with the roof allows deeper thoracic diaphragm movements. This means more breath externally and the dynamic integration of pelvis and thorax which means more exchange of gases internally.

This talk brings me back to the obvious: the diaphragm-floor of this pelvic room has a lot stacked on it. The floor acts as a sling for rectum and sex organs. More specifically, subdivisions of the pulococcygeos is subdivision of the levator ani) hold the anorectal junction and the prostate gland. In a more female floor they would be attached to the vagina as well as encircling it to become the sphincter vaginae. Suspending these things above the perineum seems like a nice protective thing to do.

This floor forms the foundation for the stacking of soft body tissues as it organizes the organs of the pelvic cavity, its lonus and till determining the distribution of body load through the pelvic arches to earth. It adjusts in its resistance to abdominal pressure. It has vegetative, respiratory, movement, protective, as well as postural implications in its well-being.

Noticing my floor?s connection with the coccyx, thinking more about that and breathing, hack breathing, the sinking of the breath in Tai Chi and lowering the center of gravity, I include another importance of my floor to rolfing – it lies just beyond the rolfer’s touch!Floor of the Pelvis

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