Making of a Rolfer – From John Lodge
From John Lodge: NAME SIX SYSTEMS OF THE HUMAN BODY AND DISCUSS THEIR BASIC FUNCTION, CONSTRUCTION AND INTERRELATIONSHIPS. The Skeletal System “Bones do not hold up the body. They determine where soft tissue, which does hold up the body, shall be alloted its space in the organism.” (Dr. Ida Rolf ) It is clear that […]
Integration – Two Sides of the Same Coin
During the 18 years I have been Rolfing and working with people in all ways, I have discovered a basic truth. Underneath all the conditioning and outer negative beliefs and behavior patterns we are beautiful shining stars. When people come to get Rolfed they come for a variety of reasons including relief from chronic physical […]
Making of a Rolfer – From Roger Pierce
From Roger Pierce: Connective Tissue Connective tissue is characterized by the presence of intercellular substance. amorphous and fibrous, and is the most ubiquitous tissue of the body. It participates in the supply function of circulation, the supportive function of the skeleton and the locomotor function of the musculature. 1. Support. “Me human body is an […]
Therapeutic Language for the Body Worker
Rarely are we more receptive to being influenced by others as adults as when we are receiving a massage or bodywork. Being as “out of touch” as the culture is, this type of situation immediately rekindles receptive, open states in most people. However, during these altered states; the average body therapist either unconsciously reinforces the […]
Ida Rolf on Rolfing
We’re here today to celebrate. We’re going to learn what has been going on and I think we shall feel entitled to brag. Why have we been able to entice so many of you to come out and see us today. The carrot is truly enticing we are presenting the results of that very devoted […]
Rolfing and Being
Humans have continuously searched for boundaries since the beginning of time, this quest has been described in the literature of early philosophers such as Thales, Aristotle, and Plato. The purpose of boundaries is to provide humans with an arena in which to function. If we know what the boundaries are, we do not have to […]
An Appreciation for Isabell Biddle, D.O.
Our friend, Isabell Biddle, left our three-dimensional world four years ago (December 5, 1970). Those of us who had known and worked with her are still aware of our spiritual loss in her passing. Many of our newer workers met her briefly in her last years. However short their acquaintance, her impact was always that […]
An Excerpt from an Early Manuscript of Dr. Rolf’s Book
People who have been processed, processors, and a rapidly growing group of professionals from the various sciences of mind and body which comprise the study of the whole man are seeking a rational understanding of the results of Structural Integration and the principles according to which they are achieved. Dr. Ida Rolf and I are […]
Structural Patterning
Structural Patterning is a system of educating a person to move efficiently, Teachers of Structural Patterning see the results of the work in terms of increased efficiency; students often describe the results as “improved physical health and appearance, increased energy and emotional well being”. Most people consider gravity as the force which pulls them down […]
Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.
I first knew Ida as a sturdy, quiet, seventy-year old lady of uncommon solidness and alertness, present at Esalen in 1965 at Fritz Perl’s instigation. Fritz said that her attentions were valuable. Since I was guided by Fritz at that time, I undertook to be rolfed,’ whatever that was. Note that I was a psychiatrist […]