Editor’s Note: The following recollections were adapted and translated from material originally published in the special Twenty-Year Anniversary Edition of Rolfing Brasil, the professional journal of the Brazilian Rolfing Association (ABR). [Selected articles from Rolfing Brasil are available on line – in Portuguese – at the Ida P. Rolf Library of Structural Integration (www.pedroprado.com.br).] Taken together, they express many qualities of the community of Brazilian Rolfers. As individuals, they are as hard-working and ceaselessly striving, as one can imagine. They are whole-heartedly and fearlessly dedicated to the realization and continued development of Ida Rolf’s vision. But, true to their culture, they actualize themselves in the community of their colleagues. As Pedro Prado says, “None of us can be well unless all of us are well.” The Brazilians operate under circumstances and constraints that might seem daunting in the U.S. or Europe, but they persevere, create, and improvise in a milieu where, fundamentally, anything is possible. As one often hears in Brazil, “You can’t do that – unless, of course, you have to, in which case…”