
Structural Integration: The Journal of the Rolf Institute – December 2006 – Vol 34 – Nº 04

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Volume: 34
Pages: 3
Year 2006
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Pages: 4-13
Year 2006
“All this metaphysics is fine, but be mighty sure you’ve got physics under the metaphysics.”Dr. Ida P. Rolf (Feitis 1978)
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MENEGATTI, Jose Augusto
Pages: 15-16
Year 2006
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SHEA, Michael
Pages: 17-21
Year 2006
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Pages: 24-27
Will Johnson, a Certified Rolfer with a practice on Canada’s Vancouver Island, is one of the most prolific authors in our Rotting community, having published a total of seven books. While his writings touch on topics from Buddhism to Sufism, they all relate to the body – or, more specifically, the body-mind-spirit-and are grounded in his experience as a Rolfer. He is one of the key people carrying forth and developing the mystical thread of Dr. Rolf’s life work, furthering our understanding of the potential of Rolfing® to be an evolutionary and consciousness-changing force. This conversation was carried out as an email dialogue. A review of one of Johnson’s books appears later in this issue.
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ORIZU, Michaela
Pages: 28-31
Year 2006
Editor’s Note: Michaela Orizu, a freelance journalist, interviewed renowned pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher in Cologne, Germany, during his 2005 European concert tour. Fleisher’s name first became known in connection with Rolfing® in the early 1990s. A successful performing career had been derailed in the mid-60s, and Fleisher had been limited to performing the left-handed piano repertoire for many years. Subsequent to Certified Advanced Rolfer Tessy Brungardt helping him regain the use of the afflicted hand, Fleisher has always been most generous in acknowledging the role of Rolfing in his health care. For her part, Orizu is delighted to give Structural Integration permission to print this interview, knowing that Rollers have always followed Fleisher’s Rolling experiences with great interest.
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