CAPA SI_2007_march

STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION: The Journal of the Rolf Institute – March 2007 – Vol 35 -Nº 01

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Volume: 35
MADRID, Merlin
SILVA, Wanda
WARD, Bethany M.
Pages: 3-5
Year 2007
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FRENCH, Nicholas
Pages: 6-11
Year 2007
The half-known hinders knowing. Since all of our knowing is only half, our knowing always hinders our knowing.Goethe
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BISHOP, Raymond J.
Pages: 12-14
Year 2007
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Pages: 18-28
Year 2007
Moshe Solomonow will be one of the keynote presenters at the First International Fascia Research Congress in Boston in October 2007. The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration is one of the cosponsors for the Congress. The Rolf Institute Research Committee (RIRC) founded the Congress to stimulate dialogue between top researchers in the field of fascia research and connective tissue practitioners. RIRC members Valerie Berg, Steve Evanko, Tom Findley, Nicholas French, Eric Jacobson, Robert Schleip, Bethany Ward, and David Wronski (Findley’s assistant) are directing the Congress with the assistance of cosponsors, including the International Association of Structural Integrators, the Massage Therapy Foundation and the Veteran’s Biomedical Research Institute.
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PRADO, Pedro
Pages: 2-3
Year 2007
Q Many of my Ten-Series clients exhibit a particular quality of emotional tension and holding that is evident in their structure and movement patterns. This pattern involves the shoulders rolled forward and contracted toward the front, the head pulled forward and down into the cervicals, and the posterior ribs hardened – all seemingly in an effort to protect the heart. In the first session of the Ten Series, when rapport is just starting to be established and we are still largely strangers, we begin opening this closely guarded and emotionally charged area. My question is, with clients holding their main event in this area, is it a good idea to start here in the first session? It seems that in some cases it might be better to wait until the client has developed a level of trust, a few sessions down the road. Would you comment on this?
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