Dr. Ida Rolf Institute

Structure, Function, Integration. Journal of the Dr Ida Rolf Institute. August 2021/ Vol. 49, No. 2

Volume: 49
ABSTRACT Bethany Ward and Larry Koliha are both Rolfing® Structural Integration faculty while also being husband and wife; in this article they share their journey to co-creating their careers and their lives.
ABSTRACT Bethany Ward and Larry Koliha are both Rolfing® Structural Integration faculty while also being husband and wife; in this article they share their journey to co-creating their careers and their lives.

[Authors’ note: Larry and I worked on this article together but, in keeping with the topic, we are family, and that means whoever is available picks up the slack.
Today it was Bethany’s turn. A lot of the article is written in first-person because it sounded more natural. But, rest assured, we chewed on the topic together.]
Larry and I have been Rolfing collectively for over forty years and teachingbodywork for the majority of that time. Oddly, we both came to Rolfing Structural Integration (SI) as a second career after working in manufacturingrelated corporate environments. Larry was an engineer and I received an MBA specializing in production and operations
management. So, we have similar backgrounds in analyzing, improving, and managing systems. Although we didn’t know each other when we decided to change careers, we each yearned for something more and eventually found our way to training at the then-named Rolf Institute® (now known as the Dr. IdaRolf Institute®). Once certified, we were both pretty involved at the school and our similar interests kept bringing us together at classes and trainings. We got together in 2006 and married in 2013.

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