IASI Yearbook 2010

IASI - International Association for Structural Integration
BEECH, Marilyn
Pages: 49-51
Year 2010
Marilyn Beech has been a Certified Rolfer since 1993. She was an editor of Rolf Lines for several years before going on to be one of the founders of the International Association of Structural Integrators. She has a full-time Structural Integration practice in Port Angeles, Washington.
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Pages: 12-15
Year 2010
Mike Waefler is one of a handful practitioners worldwide to be fully trained in both Rolfing® Structural Integration and The Feldenkrais Method®. His initial training in SI was with Dub Leigh, a direct student of both Ida Rolf and Moshe Feldenkrais and the founder of Zentherapy®. He has assisted in classes with the Guild for Structural Integration and is currently studying with Anat Baniel, an early Feldenkrais Method trainer.
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Pages: 16-19
Year 2010
Scott Gauthier, MS finished basic training with the Guild for Structural Integration in 1992 and did his Advanced training in 1997. He is a graduate of The College of William and Mary in Virginia and received his Master?s degree from James Madison University.
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SCHREI, Robert
Pages: 37-45
Year 2010
“Beings are energy units. You are disciples of this new gospel and you must go out and preach it convincingly. You must be immersed in the idea that man is an energy structure which can be altered in many ways. Man manifests a related group of energies.”
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Pages: 107-109
Year 2010
Molly Brackett, a graduate of the Guild for Structural Integration, received an advertising and marketing degree from Drake University. Her experience stems from working in the family business, a marketing and branding firm in Minneapolis, where she holds a project manager position. Her family has owned and operated over 75 businesses in the last 60 years. Molly is a Certified Massage Therapist and Structural Integration practitioner. Professionally, Molly divides her time between clients and her family?s business.
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Year 2010
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FEITIS, Rosemary
Year 2010
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FINDLEY, Thomas W.
WARD, Bethany M.
Pages: 44-51
Year 2010
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SANCHEZ, Darrell
Pages: 93-103
Year 2010
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BERTOLUCCI, Luiz Fernando
Pages: 57-68
Year 2010
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WHEELER, Richard F.
Pages: 110-116
Year 2010
Richard Wheeler is a Certified Advanced Rolfing Practitioner and Rolf Movement Practitioner. Norie Huddle is an author, consultant, and Advanced Voice Dialogue Practitioner. They now live in Ecuador where they are working to establish a new school for Structural Integration within a new healing and retreat center called the Garden of Paradise. They can be reached through their website at http://www.gardenofparadise.net.
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Pages: 75-78
Year 2010
Karen L. Bolesky has been doing Structural Integration since 1986 and is Director of Soma Institute of Neuromuscular Integration®, a state licensed 721-hour program that teaches SI exclusively. She has her BA in fine art, and her MA in counseling and still works a private practice in psychotherapy. She has written a book, Bony Landmarks: Making Somatic Connections available at www.somaticconnections.com. Karen will be doing a breakout session at the IASI 2010 convention and demonstrating the Soma Arm Session. Copies of session notes will be available. Her website is www.soma-institute.org, and email: [email protected]
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CARSON, Shonnie
Pages: 84-88
Year 2010
Shonnie Carson RN, BS, ANP, CAR, BCSICM is a Certified Advanced Rolfer in Phoenix and has been a practicing Rolfer since 1981. She is a past member of the IASI Board of Directors and is currently the vice chair of the Certification Board for Structural IntegrationSM. She also serves as a member of the Law and Legislation committee of the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration.
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EASON, Libby
Pages: 20-24
Year 2010
Libby Eason, BCSICM, CAR, president of the Board of the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI) and chair of its Law & Legislation Committee, has been serving on the IASI Board for six years. Libby became a Certified Rolfer in 1992, Rolf Movement Practitioner in 1994, Certified Advanced Rolfer in 1997 and Rolfing Instructor in 2005. She has practiced Rolfing Structural Integration for eighteen years, following a massage practice of six years. She lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia.
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FINDLEY, Thomas W.
Pages: 31-36
Year 2010
Thomas W. Findley, MD, PhD, Certified Advanced Rolfer will present summaries of research from both the 2007 and 2009 Fascia Research Congresses at the IASI Symposium in May 2010. He encourages symposium attendees to review in advance some of the FRC presentations (available on DVD or in book form) and send him questions, so that he can prepare answers and discuss clinical relevance of the latest fascia research.
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FRANK, Buddy
Pages: 52-56
Year 2010
Buddy Frank graduated from the Guild for Structural Integration in 1997, and did his Advanced training in 2002. He is a founding board member and past board president of IASI, and currently directs and assists for the Crestone Center for Structural Integration in Crestone, CO.
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Pages: 89-94
Year 2010
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Pages: 46-48
Year 2010
Karl Humiston, M.D. and Certified Rolfer, is retired from his medical practice (psychiatry and alternative medicine) and still actively practices Structural Integration, in which he was trained in 1971 by Ida Rolf. He is chairman of the Ethics and Standards of Practice committees of the Rolf Institute. Further biographical information is available at http://www.HumistonWellness.com.
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LATZ, John
Pages: 69-74
Year 2010
John Latz graduated from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in 1985, and was later certified Advanced. He is the founder of The Institute for Structural Integration (ISI) in Miami, Florida and has been practicing and teaching Reiki for the past 30 years. John utilizes Reiki in his SI practice and teaches Reiki to all SI students in his school, considering it an invaluable tool in the practice of Structural Integration.
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MYERS, Thomas
Pages: 95-100
Year 2010
Thomas Myers trained directly with Dr. Ida Rolf, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller and has practiced integrative bodywork for over 25 years in a variety of clinical and cultural settings. Former Chair of the Rolf Institute’s Anatomy Faculty, and founder member of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, Tom currently conducts professional seminars internationally through Kinesis, Inc. Tom is the author of ‘Anatomy Trains’ published in 2001 by Harcourt Brace, as well as numerous articles for trade magazines and journals. As a Touch-in-Parenting instructor, and as founder of the London Children’s Structural Clinic, Tom retains a strong interest in perinatal issues, and in early childhood somatic education.
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MURRAY, Robert Kerrick
Pages: 5-11
Year 2010
R. Kerrick Murray, BCSI, has practiced Rolfing® Structural Integration since 1985. He learned about Dr. Rolf?s connections with Korzybski?s general semantics from RISI Instructor Jan Sultan in 1989. He has been an IGS member since 1995. This is his third formal attempt1 to light a ?general semantics flame? under RolfersTM and Structural Integrators.
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BULGER, Michael
Year 2010
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