CAPA 1992-03-Summer

ROLF LINES, VOL XX – Nº 03 – Summer 1992

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Volume: 20
HYDER, Anna E.
Pages: 2-4
Year 1992
After hearing that her cancer had become malignant, Bill and Anna agreed to do a series of interviews. Over six hours were spent together last fall. This excerpt was chosen for this occasion in fond remembrance of Anna, her wit, and her Southern charm.
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Pages: 5-9
Year 1992
The following is the text of a presentation by Ron Kurtz, the founder of the Hakomi Mathod. The European Rolfing Association had a highly successful workshop with Ron last year and at the suggestion of Robert Schleip, the following article is being printed to allow the membership of the Rolf Institute to share Ron’s insights.
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Pages: 37-41
Year 1992
This research paper was forwarded to me by Board member John Walter with his belief that the contents of this paper would be of interest and value to the membership of the Rolf Institute. Due to its length, it has been published in two parts, this being the second, with the permission of Mr. Greenstreet.Editor “You can’t talk just a little about Rolfing. You have to tell it all.”Ida P. Rolf (1978. n.114.)
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PORGES, Stephen W.
Pages: 43-44
Year 1992
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GALPER, Jeffrey
Pages: 27-30
Year 1992
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