CAPA ROLF LINES 1995-11-November

ROLF LINES, Vol XXIII nº 03 – November 1995

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Volume: 23
PROBY, Jocelyn C. P.
Pages: 4-9
Year 1995
Jocelyn Proby was a man of letters who was, by his own description, bitten by the Osteopathic bug while in Canada early in his life. He dedicated his life to its practice, to exploring its edges and ramifications, and to explaining its principles both within and beyond the profession. Dr Proby studied with Dr:’ Rolf during the 50’s when she gave classes in England, in conjunction with her yearly visits to J. G. Bennett and his Coombe Springs institute dedicated to study of the Gurdjieff work. Dr Proby contacted me shortly after I took up residence as England’s first resident rolfer – aside course from these osteopaths such as Dr Proby, Bette Herbert, and Margot Gore, who had studied with Ida and had added her work, in a variety of ways, to their osteopathic practice. Osteopathy was and is a very lively manipulative science in UK, having been held out of the mainstream far longer than in the U With the zeal of a new convert, I spread my name all over town, netting a fascinating practice and a call from Dr Proby, saying how glad he was that a proponent of Ida Rolf’s methods had shown up in EnglandHe suggested we meet at his club, the Traveler’s Club in Pall Mall, and in its smoky hardwood interior my eyes traveled up an old man in gentle tweeds, very erect until you reached his tall man’s stop, soft but firm of voice and hand, with a Conan Doyle combination of seriousness and twinkle. We sat side-by-side in voluminous leather chairs while he reminded himself of the stories of Ida Rolf’s tempestuous classes. In those days the class was one 5-week stint, which mostly consisted of watching Dr Rolf work while you worked on models at home. At the end of the class, you brought your model in, and Dr R, criticised your work, often without quarter.When I began to give short courses in soft-tissue release for the osteopathic profession, Dr Proby a great supporter, kindly informing his colleagues of my efforts, and taking the train himself into Lon, from his home near Oxford, participating fully in practice even though he was in his 80’s, and always with an extra sparkle for the ladies.His attitude of exploration, openness, light-hearted seriousness, and enthusiastic calm have inspired me through the years of my own practice, and I am sure many others as well. We lost touch as I left UK he became more confined to his home, but I wish his soul well on its upward journey.Tom Myers
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