CAPA ROLF LINES, August 1996 vol 24 nº3

ROLF LINES, Vol XXIV nº 03 August 1996

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Volume: 24
HYDER, Anna E.
NOLTE, Dorothy L.
Pages: 6-7
Year 1996
A few years ago I ambitiously began a project to write a book about Ida Rolf. I periodically interviewed people who had known her, trying to get some insight into her work, its development, and people’s response to her. Over time, the project was abandoned, but in the course of it, I collected some stories worth re-telling. Here are some of them.
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Pages: 8-15
Year 1996
The following document, “Joint Motility: Discoveries, Techniques, & Explanations,” is the intellectual property of Elizabeth Gaggini. Any part of or the whole of this document may only be copied or electronically transmitted for the purpose of consideration for publication in Rolf Institute Journal Rolf Lines. Any other reproduction, electronic transmission or use in any manner of any part or the whole of this document must have the express written approval of Elizabeth Gaggini. This statement must be attached to all reproductions or electronic transmissions of any parts or the whole of this document.
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SPIEGEL, Rose Bank
Pages: 16-20
Year 1996
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FEITIS, Rosemary
Pages: 21-22
Year 1996
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Pages: 23
Year 1996
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BRUYERE, Rosalyn
Pages: 24-31
Year 1996
Interviewer’s Note: On June 14, 1995, 1 taped a phone interview with Rosalyn Bruyere for Rolf Lines. Rosalyn teaches healing internationally, is the founder of the Healing Light Center Church, publishes the Oracle: A Journal of the Future, authored Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras and the Healing Energy of the Body (Simon and Schuster), and is the mother of two grown sons. She figures prominently in the early history of Rolfing® as the “aura reader” whose clairvoyant observances during the Rolf Study at UCLA documented by Dr Valerie Hunt for the Rolf Institute provided rare insights into the nature of our work. Plenty of laughter should be read between the lines of our dialogue. Rosalyn makes a delightful conversation partner and it was an honor to speak with her on behalf of the Rolfing community.
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Pages: 34-37
Year 1996
Til Luchau is the Foundations of Bodywork Faculty Chair, and teaches the Skillful Touch and Therapeutic Relationship components of the FOB. He welcomes your correspondence and interest in the FOB, and can be reached at [email protected] or c/o the Rolf Institute.
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