
Structural Integration – Vol. 45 – Nº 4

Dr. Ida Rolf Institute
Volume: 45
BERTOLUCCI, Luiz Fernando
HOFF, Anne F.
Pages: 37-41
Year 2017
Note from Anne Hoff: Luiz Fernando Bertolucci visited Seattle this autumn, where a group of local structural integration (SI) practitioners were able to see a demonstration of his Tensegrity Touch® method of practicing Rolfing® Structural Integration (SI). This brought to life for me the concepts he’d written about in the December 2016 issue, in his article “Manually Evoked Tensegrity and Pandiculation, Part 1” (Bertolucci and Lobo 2016), and inspired this interview.
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HOFF, Anne F.
Pages: 41-46
Year 2017
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ALARCON, Jan Marie
Pages: 34-36
Year 2017
From the Editor-in-Chief: It is accepted in the Rolfing® Structural Integration (SI) community that the Little Boy Logo is based on the body structure of a little boy then known as Tim Barrett and later as Tim Law. Tim, who was invited to the Rolf Institute® in 1996 on the occasion of the hundredth-year anniversary of Rolf’s birth, passed away from cancer this past summer. Here we remember Tim’s life, with the story of the work with Ida Rolf and the logo as it comes to us through the childhood memories of Tim and his brother John. (Variants of the story are extant, particularly one told by Dorothy Nolte; see endnote). I am particularly grateful to Jan Marie Alarcon for reaching out to the Rolf Institute® with this generous sharing from John and Tim.
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EASON, Libby
Pages: 32-33
Year 2017
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HOFF, Anne F.
KLEMM, Sally
Pages: 29-32
Year 2017
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Pages: 25-29
Year 2017
To lose confidence in one’s body is to lose confidence in oneself. (Simone de Beauvoir) – And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. (Anaïs Nin) – My belief is in the blood and flesh as being wiser than the intellect. The body unconscious is where life bubbles up in us. It is how we know that we are alive, alive to the depth of our souls and in touch somewhere with the vivid reaches of the cosmos. (D.H. Lawrence) – We have been thoroughly deprived of trusting the inner wisdom which each person holds in him or herself. There lies a great unused richness in us, which we gradually have to dig out and develop. When you get to it, you will be astonished by what comes into the open which you didn’t know was there. (Charlotte Selver) – In her classic text, Rolfing: The Integration of Human Structure, Dr. Rolf questioned if current scientific knowledge would concur and justify the “preeminence” of the pelvis and sacrum. She called the sacral complex a sacred bone and the seat of the physiological soul. She went on to say, “The pelvis . . . is the physiological locus for personal emotional factors of sexual satisfaction and fertility. Ancient Indian Tantric physiology recognized the pelvis as the area housing fundamental energy, the seat of the fabulous Kundalini” (Rolf 1977, 82).
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HACK, Lina
HOLT, Mélanie
Pages: 21-25
Year 2017
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CASPE, Christi Mueller
Pages: 19-21
Year 2017
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MASSA, Heidi
Pages: 17-19
Year 2017
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ANSON, Briah
Pages: 14-10
Year 2017
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Pages: 10-14
Year 2017
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CARSON, Shonnie
Pages: 8-10
Year 2017
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ALLEN, Duffy
BERG, Valerie
MOTTA, Raquel
VOLPONES, Pierpaola
Pages: 3-5
Year 2017
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